The following services are available for almost all types of rheological instruments (see Instrument Support):
Telephone Support
We offer a 24-hour telephone support for all service and application questions.
Our highly-experienced service engineers are available througout Europe and if needed, world-wide for repairs. Our service engineers have standard spare parts with them, thus beeing able to solve problems quickly and cost-efficiently. As far as Rheoservice is concerned, „out of date“ or „obsolete“ does not apply to those instruments as listed under Instrument Support.
In-house repairs
Certain special spare parts can be repaired and tested in our own workshop in Reichelsheim, Germany.
Upgrades / Modifications
Not only are we able to carry out standard upgrades and modifications but also special modifications are possible on request to meet customers‘ needs. eg. increase the transducer range.
Service and Maintenance contracts
Finding the financial means for new instruments is no longer simply a matter of course. Added to this many manufacturers are declaring certain products to be “obsolete” ie. they no longer offer support for these – so as to sell more new instruments!
Rheoservice offers several types of service and maintenance contracts thus ensuring that your instruments stay in good condition and are within the manufacturer’s specifications. Further details can be found under Service and Maintenance Contracts.
We guarantee a further lifetime of 10 years (dating from the first contract) for those instruments as listed under Instrument Support! In addition to the preventive measures carried out to prolong the instrument’s lifetime, you receive a protocol of these and a guaranteed handling time (contact, evaluation, priority allocation in planning) of 48 hours if problems should occur.
Application support
Support for application questions completes Rheoservice’s service programme. We are able to offer user and application trainings. Our laboratory in Germany is well-equipped with several Rheometric Scientific instruments and is available on request for carrying out sample measurements. Further details can be found under Laboratory.